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Drosera intermedia

Drosera intermedia

Regular price $13.25 USD
Regular price Sale price $13.25 USD
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Introducing Drosera intermedia: The Enchanting Oblong-Leaved Sundew

Currently going dormant. Will come back in March 


Discover Drosera intermedia, also known as the oblong-leaved sundew, spoonleaf sundew, or spatulate-leaved sundew. This temperate or tropical species is native to Europe, southeastern Canada, the eastern half of the United States, Cuba, Hispaniola, and northern South America. With its unique characteristics and captivating insect-trapping abilities, Drosera intermedia is a remarkable addition to any organic garden, permaculture farmscape, or eco-conscious venture.Drosera intermedia is a perennial herb that forms a semi-erect stemless rosette of spatulate leaves, reaching up to 10 cm in height.The leaf blades of Drosera intermedia are densely covered with stalked mucilaginous glands that secrete a sugary nectar to attract unsuspecting insects. Once lured in, the insects become ensnared by the sticky mucilage. Unless they possess the strength to escape, they ultimately succumb to suffocation or exhaustion. The plant then secretes digestive enzymes from its sessile glands, absorbing the resulting nutrient solution to supplement the poor mineral nutrition of its natural environment.Drosera intermedia produces magnificent inflorescences, reaching heights of up to 15 cm and bearing 3–8 delicate white flowers. These blooms add a touch of elegance to the surrounding landscape, enhancing the overall beauty of this captivating sundew species.Drosera intermedia thrives in full sun and requires a dish filled with approximately 2 inches of water. It is recommended to use distilled, rainwater, or reverse osmosis water with a PPM (parts per million) level less than 50. By providing these optimal conditions, you create a suitable habitat for Drosera intermedia to flourish and effectively trap small flying insects such as gnats and mosquitoes. As a natural pest control solution, this sundew is an excellent addition to any organic garden, permaculture farmscape, or environmentally-conscious venture aiming to reduce the reliance on harmful chemicals.Drosera intermedia exhibits exceptional hardiness, thriving in USDA zone 9. However, to ensure its continued health and vitality, it is advised to protect the plant from hard freezes. By taking precautions during extreme cold weather, you can safeguard this hardy sundew and enjoy its captivating presence throughout the seasons.With its striking appearance, intricate insect-trapping mechanism, and contribution to sustainable gardening practices, Drosera intermedia stands as an exceptional choice for any landscape. Embrace the allure of this remarkable sundew species, witness the interplay between nature and its unsuspecting prey, and create an enchanting space that not only enthralls but also nurtures.Size guide:Small plants come in a 3" potMedium plants come in a 4" potLarge plants will come in a 5" pot

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